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OHT Editorials

Our collection of editorials looks at some of the technical rules of treaties, and how international law and respective treaties have evolved since the 17th century. Find out more by watching our video and browsing the articles below.

The articles have been grouped under the following headings. Follow the links below to drop down to each list of articles:


Extradition Treaties

So that Crimes Would Not Go Unpunished: Extradition Treaties in the 18th Century

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Great Peace Treaties

The non-Westphalian Peace

The Peace of Utrecht and the Balance of Power

The Congress of Vienna (1814–1815)

The Peace of Breda (1667)

The Peace of Brest-Litovsk (3 March 1918)

11.11.11: The End of the First World War on the Western Front

The Peace of Karlowitz (1699)

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Treaty-making and Treaty Law

Closing Time

Double-dating: Treaties under the Julian and Gregorian Calendars

Inclusion Clauses and the Bilateral Nature of Early-modern Peace Treaties

The Peace of Aachen (1748) and the Rise of Multilateral Treaties

Alliance Treaties and the Political and Legal Order of Old Regime Europe

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The Formation of International Law through Treaties

Vienna and the Abolition of the Slave Trade

Vienna and the Codification of Diplomatic Law

The Birth of Modern Private International Law: The Treaties of Montevideo (1889, amended 1940)

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The Iran-Iraq Border: A Story of Too Many Treaties

Demarcating Sovereignty: A History of Dutch-Belgian Land Swaps

Erasing the Line: The Treaties of Madrid (1750) and San Ildefonso (1777)

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International Law and the Law of Neutrality

The Treaty of Washington and Neutrals’ Duty of Due Diligence

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The Nature of Peace Treaties

Wiping the slate clean… for now: Amnesty in early-modern peace treaties

From Hostage to Fortune to Prisoner of War

Splitting the Distance

Perpetual Peace

Restitution in Early-modern Peace Treaties: The Case of the Dutch-Spanish Peace Treaty of Münster (1648)—Part I

Restitution in Early-modern Peace Treaties: The Case of the Dutch-Spanish Peace Treaty of Münster (1648)—Part II

Reprisals in Early-Modern European Peace Treaties

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The Order of Europe 1648-1815

The First Polish Partition of 1772 (Part II)

The First Polish Partition of 1772 (Part I)

Fortress Belgium – The 1715 Barrier Treaty

The Diplomatic Revolution: The First Alliance of Versailles (1756)

The Diplomatic Revolution: The Second Treaty of Versailles (1757)

The 18th-century Antecedents of the Concert of Europe I: The Triple Alliance of 1717

The 18th-century Antecedents of the Concert of Europe II: The Quadruple Alliance of 1718

The League of Hanover (3 September 1725): Safeguarding the European Balance

The Pragmatic Sanction of 1713 and the Austro-Hispanic Treaties of 1725

The Wars of Louis XIV in Treaties (Part I): The Secret Treaty of Vienna (19 January 1668)

The Wars of Louis XIV in Treaties (Part II): The Peace Treaty of Aachen [Aix-la-Chapelle] (2 May 1668)

The Wars of Louis XIV in Treaties (Part III): The Secret Alliance of Dover (1 June 1670)

The Wars of Louis XIV in Treaties (Part IV): The Second Peace of Westminster (19 February 1674)

The Wars of Louis XIV in Treaties (Part V): The Peace of Nijmegen (1678–1679)

The Wars of Louis XIV in Treaties (Part VI): The Truce of Regensburg (1684)

The Wars of Louis XIV in Treaties (Part VII): The Grand Alliance of 1689 and the Nine Years’ War

Franco-Prussian Relations and the War of the Austrian Succession

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The Order of Europe and the West 1815-1920

The War of 1866 and the Undoing of Vienna

1864 – The Schleswig-Holstein War

The Treaties of Villafranca and Zurich (1859): Old Regime Nostalgia on the Road to Italian Unification

The Belgian Revolution and the Dissolution of the United Kingdom of the Netherlands (1830–1839)

The Congress of Aachen [Aix-la-Chapelle] (1818) and the Completion of the Vienna System

The Formation of the United Kingdom of the Netherlands (1814–1815)

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The Creation of a Global Order

Treaties Concluded by the Kingdom of Ryukyu

Treaties in Declarations and Manifestos of War

From Kanghwa to Shimonoseki: The Disputes over the Sovereignty of Tributary Chosŏn Korea

Nanjing (1842): Unequal Treaties and the Right to War

The Treaty of 1903 Between Cuba and the United States Determining their Relations: The Continued Struggle for Cuban Independence and Stability

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Treaties concerning Russian and Ottoman Spheres of Influence

The First Polish Partition of 1772 (Part II)

A shift in the Russo-Ottoman balance of power in the Black Sea region: The Treaty of Kuçuk Kainardji of 1774

Janus-faced Mediation: A Treaty for the Pacification of Greece, 1826–1827

The First Polish Partition of 1772 (Part I)

The Peace of Karlowitz (1699)

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Treaties Opposing the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade

Vienna and the Abolition of the Slave Trade

Mixed Commissions, Mixed Blessing: On the British-Portuguese Anti–Slave Trade Treaty of 1817

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Treaties of Amity and Commerce and Other Treaties Relating to Trade

The Short-Lived Franco-American Consular Convention (1788–1800) and the Trouble with Reciprocal Extraterritorial Jurisdictional Privileges

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Treaties relating to the United Kingdom of the Netherlands

The Formation of the United Kingdom of the Netherlands (1814–1815)

The Belgian Revolution and the Dissolution of the United Kingdom of the Netherlands (1830–1839)

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