Home Page
This page contains information on:
Site header
Search panel
Product selector
Browse menu
Site header
Across the top of the screen is the Site header which contains links to administrative and information resources. These appear on every page.
About links to information about Oxford Public International Law.
Subscriber services provides help and contact details for questions about your subscription, and account management facilities for library administrators.
Contact us tells you how to contact customer services with your feedback.
Take a tour takes you on a tour of the key features of Oxford Public International Law.
FAQs contain answers to common questions about the Oxford Public International Law.
Help opens these Help pages.
You can return to the Home page from any other part of Oxford Public International Law by clicking on the masthead:
Search panel
To run a quick search, type your search term into the Search box and click or press Enter.
Product selector
From the Oxford Public International Law home page, you will see a panel on the left of the page listing all of the products in the OPIL family.
If you have a subscription to one of more of the products available in Oxford Public International Law, you may wish to restrict your research to one product only.
Choose the desired product (e.g. Oxford Reports on International Law) from the product selector to do this. You will be taken to the relevant product home page and the product masthead will change. In addition, searches will be automatically restricted to content in the site that you have chosen, rather than searching all the content in all of the products in the family.
To move back to the Oxford Public International Law family context, click the OPIL link in the product masthead:
You will be taken back to the home page, where you can search or browse across the content of all of the products in the OPIL family:
Browse menu
The Browse menu is just below the search panel. You can browse the contents of the OPIL family by:
• All
• Content type
• Subject
• Author
• Geographic Regions
• Organizations
Available options in this menu will vary when you are within a specific product in the OPIL family, depending on what the content of that product supports.
Choose the option you want by clicking on it.