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Part II The 1970 UNESCO Convention: Commentary, Article 15 of the 1970 UNESCO Convention: Agreements for Return or Restitution of Cultural Property Removed Prior to 1972 »

Afolasade A Adewumi, John Oluwole, A Akintayo, Andrzej Jakubowski
From: The 1970 UNESCO and 1995 UNIDROIT Conventions on Stolen or Illegally Transferred Cultural Property: A Commentary
Edited By: Ana Filipa Vrdoljak, Andrzej Jakubowski, Alessandro Chechi
This chapter elaborates on Article 15 of the 1970 UNESCO Convention. In the spirit of maintaining cooperation among States Parties, Article 15 of the 1970 Convention admits the existence of obligations regarding the restitution of cultural property among States Parties outside the framework of the Convention. Thus, the provision offers States Parties the opportunity to create new treaty obligations through the mechanism of special agreements. The chapter notes the criticisms regarding international practice concerning agreements for the recovery of cultural property removed prior to the entry into force of the 1970 Convention. It considers the impact of the Sarr-Savoy Report and the Benin Dialogue Group.