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Art.33 National Implementation and Monitoring »

Valentin Aichele
From: The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities: A Commentary
Edited By: Ilias Bantekas, Michael Ashley Stein, Dimitris Anastasiou
This chapter examines Article 33 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD). The overarching objective of Article 33 is to provide the CRPD with a means of review, further develop existing structures relating to the implementation of the CRPD by states parties, and further establish a framework structure for monitoring national implementation. These provisions spell out the existing obligations of a state party under the CRPD by introducing the essential elements of such frameworks (minimum standard). Article 33 sets forth stand-alone, positive obligations that relate to institutional and procedural prerequisites intended to ensure effective implementation and arrangements aimed at making it possible to address any deficits in implementation that may arise.