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Contributor: Adjovi, Roland x
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Prince von Pless Administration (Orders) »

Roland Adjovi
1 The question of national minorities was at the heart of World War I (see also Minorities, European Protection; Minorities, International Protection; Minority Cases before International Courts and Tribunals). Among the measures for settlement of that conflict was the German-Polish Convention concerning Upper Silesia of 15 May 1922 (‘Geneva Convention on Upper Silesia’; see also German Minorities in Poland, Cases concerning the).The object of the convention was twofold: to secure the continuity of the economic and social existence of Upper Silesia, and to reduce...

Rwanda »

Roland Adjovi, Nandor Knust
1 The Republic of Rwanda (‘Rwanda’) is a small country in the Great Lakes Region of east-central Africa (Great Lakes Region, Africa). Rwanda shares borders with Burundi to the south, the Democratic Republic of the Congo (Congo, Democratic Republic of the) to the west, Uganda to the north, and Tanzania to the east. With its 9 million inhabitants Rwanda has the densest population in all of Africa. Rwanda was admitted as a member of the Commonwealth of Nations in 2009.2 Rwanda was shattered by a genocide in 1994, which resulted in the death of over 800,000 Tutsi and...