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ORIL Update - December

December 31, 2018

For December 2018,Oxford Reports on International Law (ORIL) adds 28 cases.


Case name Reporter / Author OUP ID
State of Himachal Pradesh and others v Ganesh Wood Products and others, Appeal decision, Civil Appeals Nos 8184-93 of 1995, AIR 1996 SC 149, JT1995 (6) SC 485, 19953RRR589, 1995(5)SCALE303, (1995) 6 SCC 363, [1995] Supp 3 SCR 477, ILDC 1016 (IN 1995), 11 September 1995 Surendra Kumar ILDC 1016 (IN 1995)
Comunidad Indígena Antú Lafquén de Huentetique v Corema de la Región de los Lagos, Final appeal, writ of protection, Rol 10.090-2011, ILDC 2800 (CL 2012), 22 March 2012 Rodrigo Cespedes ILDC 2800 (CL 2012)
Pride Foramer v Union of India and others, Writ Petition Decision, Writ Petition No 1818 of 2000; ILDC 466 (IN 2001), AIR 2001 Bom 332, 24 April 2001 Surendra Kumar ILDC 466 (IN 2001)
Prosecutor v Serushago, Reasons for Judgment, Case no ICTR-98-39-A; ICL 704 (ICTR 2000), 6 April 2000 Elizabeth Santalla Vargas ICL 704 (ICTR 2000)
Prosecutor v Augustin Ngirabatware, Decision on Prosecution Oral Motion for Rule 77 Investigation Related to Witness ANAF, Case no ICTR-99-54-T; ICL 963 (ICTR 2009), 30 October 2009 Theodosia Papazikou ICL 963 (ICTR 2009)
Situation in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Prosecutor v Bosco Ntaganda, Decision on Defence request for leave to file a ‘no case to answer’ motion, Case no ICC-01/04-02/06-1931; ICL 1788 (ICC 2017), 1 June 2017 Mirka Fries ICL 1788 (ICC 2017)
Situation in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Prosecutor v Bosco Ntaganda, Decision on suspensive effect, Case no ICC-01/04-02/06-1968; ICL 1787 (ICC 2017), 19 June 2017 Mirka Fries ICL 1787 (ICC 2017)
Commisa v Pemex exequatur of arbitral award, Pemex-Exploracion y Produccion v Corporacion Mexicana de Matenimiento Integral, S De RL De CV, Judgment on the confirmation of an arbitral award, Case n 40105/2013; ILDC 2805 (LX 2017), 27 April 2017 Maria Teresa Bia ILDC 2805 (LU 2017))
Re Petition of Seif Eldin Mostafa Mohamed Emam, Decision on application for writ of habeas corpus, Civil Application No 121/2016; ILDC 2701 (CY 2017), 16 February 2017 Aristoteles Constantinides, Athena Herodotou ILDC 2701 (CY 2017)
COT15 v Minister for Immigration and Border Protection (No 1), Appeal decision, SAD 167 of 2015; [2015] FCAFC 190; (2015) 236 FCR 148; 328 ALR 653; [2016] ALMD 2893; [2016] ALMD 2894; ILDC 2806 (AU 2015), 22 December 2015 Roland Klein ILDC 2806 (AU 2015)
Republic of Croatia and ors v Creditanstalt-Bankverein, Final appeal/cassation, 1 Ob 2313/96w; ILDC 2384 (AT 1997); SZ 70/93, 28 January 1997 August Reinisch ILDC 2834 (AT 1997)
Ebrahimian v France, Admissibility, merits and just satisfaction, App no 64846/11; IHRL 3950 (ECHR 2015), 26 November 2015 Pauline Bocquet IHRL 3950 (ECHR 2015)
Dhahbi v Italy, Admissibility, merits and just satisfaction, App no 17120/09; IHRL 3942 (ECHR 2014), 8 April 2014 Lewis Mooney IHRL 3942 (ECHR 2014)
Horvath v Australia, Merits, UN Doc CCPR/C/110/D/1885/2009; IHRL 3892 (UNHRC 2014), 27 March 2014 Kübra Berberoğlu IHRL 3892 (UNHRC 2014)
Payment of a pension on the basis of times of employment in a ghetto located in Transnistria, Appeal judgment, L 4 RJ 126/04; ILDC 2426 (DE 2006), 27 January 2006 Nadja Reimold ILDC 2426 (DE 2006)
Hernán Lorenzo Vera Marre v Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany, Decision on the Unification of Jurisprudence, 1.224-2013; ILDC 2631 (CL 2013), 13 August 2013 Carla Meza ILDC 2631 (CL 2013)
Embassy of Qatar v Awad, Preliminary order on jurisdiction, No 4882/2017; ILDC 2699 (IT 2016), 27 February 2017 Pierfrancesco Rossi ILDC 2699 (IT 2017)
Tedeschi v Pullano, Final appeal judgment, No 2200/2016; ILDC 2696 (IT 2016), 4 February 2016 Pierfrancesco Rossi ILDC 2696 (IT 2016)
In the matter of criminal proceedings against Edoardo Almagià, Final appeal judgment, No 42458, 22 October 2015 Alessandro Chechi ILDC 2830 (IT 2015)
Les Biens Mal Acquis, Obiang v Prosecutor, Cassation, Court of Cassation, Criminal Division, No 15¬83156; ILDC 2825 (FR 2015), 15 December 2015 Margaux Mermin ILDC 2825 (FR 2015)
Republic of Mauritius v Soornack Nandanee, Final appeal judgment, No 14237; ILDC 2818 (IT 2017), 23 March 2017 Sara Porro ILDC 2818 (IT 2017)
Arellano v American Airlines, Trial judgment, 69 FSupp3d 1345 (SD Fla 2014); ILDC 2358 (US 2014), 25 November 2014 Keturah Brown ILDC 2358 (US 2014)
MG v Poland, Admissibility and Merits, UN Doc CCPR/C/114/D/2183/2012; IHRL 3903 (UNHRC 2015), 23 July 2015 Lawrence Cenk Laws IHRL 3903 (UNHRC 2015)
Dispute Between Paraguay and Uruguay Concerning the Application of Impuesto Específico Interno to the Commerce of Cigarettes, Paraguay v Uruguay, Ad Hoc Arbitral Tribunal Award, Award VIII; ITL 160 (MERCOSUR 2002), 21 May 2002 Luis A López Zamora ITL 160 (MERCOSUR 2002)
Brazil – Certain Measures Concerning Taxation and Charges, Panel Report, WT/DS472/R WT/DS497/R; ITL 163 (WTO 2017), 30 August 2017 Sean P Stacy ITL 163 (WTO 2017)
SM Jaleel & Co Ltd & Guyana Beverages Inc v The Co-operative Republic of Guyana, Final judgment, App No TTOJ2016/001; [2017] CCJ 2 (OJ); ITL 165 (CCJ 2017), 9 May 2017 Dr Kelly K Shang ITL 165 (CCJ 2017)
Anonymous v Ministry of the Interior, Administrative appeal to the Supreme Court, Admin A 7854/12; ILDC 2557 (IL 2015), 25 August 2015 Shir Rozenzweig ILDC 2557 (IL 2015)
Prosecutor v Laurent Gbagbo and Charles Blé Goudé, Decision on the “Prosecution’s consolidated application to conditionally admit the prior recorded statements and related documents of various witnesses under rule 68 and Prosecution’s application for the introduction of documentary evidence under paragraph 43 of the directions on the conduct of proceedings relating to the evidence of Witnesses P-0087 and P-0088”, Case No ICC-02/11-01/15, ICL 1791 (ICC 2017), 6 June 2017 Kate L M Smith ICL 1791 (ICC 2017)