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The IMLI Treatise on Global Ocean Governance: now on OSAIL

August 30, 2018

Volume I, II, and III of The IMLI Treatise on Global Ocean Governance are now available to read on OSAIL.

From the Preface:

“The IMLI Treatise on Global Ocean Governance started as a comprehensive study commissioned under the aegis of IMLI-Nippon Foundation Collaboration on ‘A Comprehensive Study on Effective and Sustainable Global Ocean Governance Project’, following the 2015 address of Dr Yohei Sasakawa (Chairman of The Nippon Foundation) to the IMO on the state of the world’s oceans. The Project was construed to assess the current state of the international regime regulating the use of the oceans and make proposals. For this purpose, fifty-eight experts were chosen to report on their area of expertise.”

Volume I examines the role of UN as the central intergovernmental organization responsible for global ocean governance and how its present legal, policy, and institutional frameworks address ocean governance challenges.
Read the first chapter: The Role of the United Nations, including its Secretariat in Global Ocean Governance >>

Volume II focuses on the UN Specialised Agencies and addresses their contribution to the sustainable governance of the oceans. It also studies a number of affiliated UN Programmes with considerable input in matters highly relevant to the process of ocean governance.
Read the first chapter: The FAO and Ocean Governance >>

Volume III acknowledges that the International Maritime Organization (IMO) is today the world’s main institutional source of international maritime law, with over 50 multilateral conventions, and hundreds of instruments including guidelines, codes and recommendations.
Read the first chapter: The IMO and Global Ocean Governance: Past, Present, and Future >>