Case reports from 17-30 November 2022
December 5, 2022
This month ORIL published 16 new articles.
- IHRL 4043 (UNHRC 2018) Toussaint v Canada, Merits, UN Doc CCPR/C/123/D/2348/2014; IHRL 4043 (UNHRC 2018), 24 July 2018 by Martin Faix
- IHRL 4044 (UNHRC 2019) MM v Denmark, Admissibility and merits, UN Doc CCPR/C/125/D/2345/2014, IHRL 4044 (UNHRC 2019), 14 March 2019 by Katayoun Hosseinnejad
- IHRL 4045 (UNHRC2017) Miller and Carroll v New Zealand, Admissibility and merits, UN Doc CCPR/C/119/D/2502/2014; IHRL 4045 (UNHRC 20017), 7 November 2017 by Valeria Coscini
- IHRL 4046 (UNHRC 2018) MSP-B v Netherlands, Merits, UN DOC CCPR/C/123/D/2673/2015; IHRL 4046 (UNHRC 2018), 25 July 2018 by Barbara Sonczyk
- IHRL 4047 (UNCRPD 2018) JH v Australia, Admissibility and merits, UN Doc CRPD/C/20/D/35/2016; IHRL 4047 (UNCRPD 2018), 31 August 2018 by Annalisa Ciampi
- IHRL 4216 (ECHR 2021) Vavřička and Others v the Czech Republic, Merits, Applications nos. 47621/13, 3867/14, 73094/14, 19298/15, 19306/15 and 43883/15; IHRL 4121 (ECHR 2021); 8 April 2021 by Carlotta Manz
- ILDC 3241 (DE 2020) Kunduz Affair, Hanan and Rauf v Germany, Order on constitutional complaint, 2 BvR 477/17; ILDC 3241 (DE 2020); NVwZ 2021, 398; DÖV 2021; BeckRS 2020, 35088; 18 November 2020 by Paula Fischer
- ILDC 2655 (ES 2014) Stefano Melloni v Public Prosecutor, Judgment, (2014) STC 26/2014; Num Rec 6922/2008; ILDC 2655 (ES 2014), 11 March 2014 by Ana Corruchaga Frago
- ILDC 3318 (IT 2021) Nomentana Hospital srl v State of Libya, Preliminary order on jurisdiction, No 25045/2021; ILDC 3318 (IT 2021), 16 September 2021 by Pierfrancesco Rossi
- ILDC 3313 (ES 2018) More than 50 Members of Parliament of the Spanish Socialist Workers’ Party v the Government of Spain, Action of unconstitutionality, 140/2018; ILDC 3313 (ES 2018), 20 December 2018 by Georgina Padilla Arboles
- ILDC 3283 (SC 2015) Roble and others v The Republic of Seychelles, Judgment, Criminal Appeal SCA 19/2013; ILDC 3283 (SC 2015), 28 August 2015 by Nnenna Mazi
- ILDC 3291(SZ 2017) Commission on Human Rights and Public Administration/Integrity, Sofi Dlamini and Others v Umbane Limited and 2 Others, Judgment, Case No 902/2011; [2017] SZHC 211; ILDC 3291(SZ 2017), 4 April 2017 by Nnenna Mazi
- ICL 2016 (KSC 2020) Specialist Prosecutor v Hysni Gucati and Nasim Haradinaj, Decision on Defence Challenges, Case no KSC-BC-2020-07, ICL 2016 (KSC 2020), 27 October 2020 by Raghavi Viswanath
- ICL 2081 (ICC 2021) Prosecutor v Yekatom and Ngaïssona, Judgment on the appeal of Mr Alfred Yekatom against the decision of Trial Chamber V of 29 October 2020 entitled ‘Decision on motions on the Scope of the Charges and the Scope of Evidence at Trial’, Case no ICC-01/14-01/18-874, ICL 2081 (ICC 2021), 5 February 2021 by Mari Sewell