Case reports from w/c 7 November 2022
November 14, 2022
This month ORIL published 12 new articles.
- ILDC 2924 (ES 2016) Tamara v Labour Court of First Instance of Madrid, Appeal decision, Case No 11811/2016; ILDC 2924 (ES 2016), 4 November 2016 by Leticia Armendáriz
- ILDC 2996 (US 2018) Sea Breeze Salt Inc v Mitsubishi Corp, Appeal judgment, 899 F3d 1064; ILDC 2996 (US 2018) (9th Cir 2018), 15 August 2018 by Marsha Jobaida
- ILDC 2666 (US 2018) United States v Hamidullin, Appeal judgment, 888 F3d 62 (4th Cir 2018); ILDC 2666 (US 2018), 18 April 2018 by Arjan Ganji
- ILDC 3320 (RU 2020) Regarding the case verifying the constitutionality of part one of article 21 of the Federal Law ‘On the procedure for leaving the Russian Federation and entry into the Russian Federation’ due to complaint of the citizen IV Nikolaenko, Constitutional proceedings, No 29-P; ILDC 3320 (RU2021), 25 June 2020 by Sergey Marochkin, Rustam Khalafyan
- ILDC 2915 (US 2018) Stemcor USA Incorporated v CIA Siderurgica Do Para Cosipar and ors, Appeal court judgment, 895 F 3d 375 (5th Cir 2018); ILDC 2915 (US 2018), 11 July 2018 by Eric Felland
- ILDC 3307 (DE 1963) Claim against the Empire of Iran Case, Cologne-based company v Iran, Decision of the Federal Constitutional Court in norm verification procedure, 2 BvM 1/62, BVerfGE 16, 27; ILDC 3307 (DE 1963); (1972) ILR 45, 57; (1965) AJIL 59, 654; NJW 1963, 1732; JZ 64, 171; AVR 11, 349; ZaöRV 24, 292; BeckRS 9998, 114157, 30 April 1963 by Felix Telschow
- ICL 667 (SCSL 2009) Prosecutor v Sesay and ors, Judgment, Case no 004-15-T; ICL 667 (SCSL 2009), 2 March 2009 by Elizabeth Santalla Vargas
- ICL 1145 (MICT 2019) Prosecutor v Turinabo et al, Decision on the Prosecution Motion to Amend the Indictment, Case no MICT-18-116-PT; ICL 1145 (MICT 2019), 17 October 2019 by Beatrice A. Walton
- ICL 1150 (MICT 2019) Prosecutor v Turinabo et al, Decision on Maximilien Turinabo’s, Anselme Nzabonimpa’s and Marie Rose Fatuma’s motions challenging the form of the Indictment, Case no MICT-18-116-PT; ICL 1150 (MICT 2019), 12 March 2019 by Stella Nasirumbi
- ILDC 3311 (GB 2021) Surkis and others v Poroshenko and another, Judgment, [2021] EWHC 2512 (Comm); ILDC 3311 (GB 2021), 22 September 2021 by Theodosia Papazikou
- ILDC 1897 (ES 2010) Couso Case, Judgment, STS 691/2010; ECLI:ES:TS:2010:4222; ILDC 1897 (ES 2010), 13 July 2010 by Ana María Maestro Cortizas