Celebrating One Year with the Oxford Encyclopedia of EU Law
Providing high-level analysis of European Union law by specialized distinguished contributors, articles in the Oxford Encyclopedia of EU Law (OEEUL) define, explain, and analyze EU law’s key legal concepts in an accessible yet profound way. The encyclopedia has grown from its initial 95 entries to its current 182 articles – with the OEEUL team dedicated to increasing this content by tenfold in the coming years to eventually cover the entire EU legal order.
We are very grateful to the Section Editors, the authors, and the Advisory Board for making this happen.
The first anniversary of OEEUL’s launch was celebrated with a webinar organized by OEEUL’s sponsor, the College of Europe (Bruges).
- Professor Sacha Garben and Professor Laurence Gormley (General Editors of OEEUL)
In celebration of the one-year anniversary Oxford University Press has made the following articles free to access:
- Court Cases by Kai Purnhagen and Laurence W Gormley
- Health Law by Tamara K Hervey
- Consumer Protection by Vanessa Mak
- Environmental Law by Josephine van Zeben
- Values by Tomasz Tadeusz Koncewicz
- Transport by Margherita Colangelo
- EU Institutional Framework by Matthias Ruffert
- European Integration by Jo Shaw
- Effective Judicial Protection by Andrea Biondi