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Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law [MPEPIL]

Jurisdiction of States

Bernard H Oxman

From: Oxford Public International Law (http://opil.ouplaw.com). (c) Oxford University Press, 2023. All Rights Reserved.date: 11 February 2025

Sovereignty — Jurisdiction of states, passive personality principle — Jurisdiction of states, protective principle — Jurisdiction of states, universality principle — Jurisdiction of states, conflicts — Customary international law — Comity — State practice — Immunity from jurisdiction, states

Published under the auspices of the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law under the direction of Professor Anne Peters (2021–) and Professor Rüdiger Wolfrum (2004–2020). 

1 In its broadest sense, the jurisdiction of a State may refer to its lawful power to act and hence to its power to decide whether and, if so, how to act, whether by legislative, executive, or judicial means. In this sense, jurisdiction denominates primarily, but not exclusively, the lawful power to make and enforce rules. The principles of international law regarding jurisdiction of States reflect both sovereign independence (Sovereignty) and the sovereign equality of States (States, Sovereign Equality), and increasingly the human rights of the affected...
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